MetaSimulation of NonEquilibrium Processes
Unusual Crystallization Behavior Close to the Glass Transition, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2018, 120, 115701.
Unraveling the Coupling between Demixing and Crystallization in Mixtures, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 23, 8145–8148.
Non-monotonic variations of the nucleation free energy in a glass-forming ultra-soft particles fluid, Soft matter 2018, 14, 5977-5985.
When subjected to a static light pattern, light-activated microswimmers escape the illuminated region (central square), leading to a smart templated inverse assembly process - from Soft Matter, 19, 7334 (2023)
Using a checkreboard motif as static light pattern, we can program the partitioning of active matter into a series of alternating sparsely and densely populated regions - from Soft Matter, 19, 7334 (2023)
An MCM-41 cylindrical nanopore filled with Argon atoms empties through the formation of a bubble under isothermal conditions - from J. Chem. Phys. 161, 104014 (2024)
Under adiabatic conditions, the MCM-41 cylindrical nanopore empties very quickly. In this case, the nanoconfined fluid does not have to overcome a free energy barrier to undergo the phase transition process - from J. Chem. Phys. 161, 104014 (2024)